Indonesia has the potential to experience a mega-tsunami

WARNINGS have been issued a devastating 8.7 magnitude earthquake could hit Jakarta with experts saying it is capable of reducing the city to ruins.

There are fears the quake could be bad as the 2004 earthquake that claimed almost a quarter of a million lives across 14 countries. Terrified residents face rushed preparation, as many buildings which are not structurally sound are at risk of crumbling. On January 23 this year, tremors measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale led to almost 500 houses collapsing, and forecasted earthquakes are predicted to dwarf those shakes. With the potential natural disaster due to strike the city, emergency disaster preparation has already begun.

Jakarta Deputy Governor Sandiaga Uno said: “It's important for Jakarta to prepare and be ready.
“There should be concrete steps such as relevant research, building safety checks and evacuation drills.”
The city has endured 19 earthquakes in the last year, with the largest being a 6.5 magnitude shake on December 15, 2017.

BMKG chief Dwikorita Karnawita said: “Is Jakarta ready to face a magnitude 8.7 megathrust earthquake?
“Jakarta’s soil is soft and is surrounded by an active fault line. The effects will be strongly felt wherever the epicenter is.”
The most destructive tsunamis are generated from large shallow earthquakes that start near a fault line, as occured in 2004 in Indonesia. As the tectonic plates move, they release immense amounts of energy, creating huge walls of water with the force to wipe out poorly reinforced buildings.

What was the 2004 disaster?
Boxing day 2004 saw a series of tsunamis obliterate the costal areas of Asia.

The giant wave originated off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia as the result of an earthquake.

The undersea megathrust earthquake was caused when the Indian Plate was subducted by the Burma Plate and numerous giant waves of water battered the Asian coastline.
Registering a gigantic 9.1-9.3, the shock was the third-largest earthquake ever recorded on a seismograph.

It as all the longest duration of “faulting” ever recorded, a whopping 10 minutes.
The reason the quake and subsequent tsunamis caused such brutal devastation was their geographical location.

When a tectonic plate is out at sea, the effects of such events are vastly less severe, but due to the fault line’s location, millions of homes were obliterated rapidly. The entire planet vibrated 1 cm according to scientists, and other earthquakes as far away as Alaska were directly caused by the earth’s plates moving. The worldwide community donated more than $14 billion in disaster relief, as the tragic event killed a quarter of a million people and washed away the lives of many millions more.

The 30-metre high waves made international news for weeks and garnered the attention of the world, as many couldn’t believe the levels of devastation. Destruction caused by the event spanned 1,600 km. One of the reasons the people of Jakarta should be so worried is that many scientists believe the 2002 Sumatra earthquake to have been a foreshock of the main disaster, predating the main event by over two years. Indonesia is no stranger to natural disasters, with the region regularly suffering medium-level tremors.

The quake in January saw large areas of the city visibly shake as the foundations of buildings looked to be very weak. Despite a lag of up to several hours between the 2004 earthquake and the impact of the tsunami, nearly all of the victims were taken completely by surprise.
Jakarta also has very outdated, under-funded technology for detecting tremors, which has caused worry in the international community about the safety of people living there.

Source : [Dailystar UK]


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