BMKG Explanation of Jakarta Issues Will Be Shaken 8.7 SR Earthquake

The issue of an 8.7 Richter scale earthquake that will shake Jakarta has created a stir in social media. This of course makes the public restless. Many have questioned the news, although some hope that the potential issue of the megathrust earthquake is just a hoax.

Do not want this news to be confusing, the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics (BMKG) was then responded to the news. Hary Tirto Djatmiko as Head of Public Relations BMKG explained that the news titled "Earthquake Megathrust Magnitudo 8.7, is Jakarta ready?" it turns out to be part of the seminar theme of the Alumni Association of Meteorology and Geophysics Academy (IKAMEGA).

Alumni Association of Meteorology and Geophysics Academy (IKAMEGA) took the initiative to hold a discussion with the city government to prepare earthquake mitigation measures. Hary added that the timing of an earthquake that would threaten Jakarta is unpredictable.

Hary asserted, "Although experts are able to calculate the maximum magnitude forecast of earthquakes in the megathrust zone, the current technology has not been able to predict precisely, let alone ascertain when the megathrust earthquake occurred."

Explanation of BMKG

BMKG has also released a brief explanation related to the seminar of Meteorology and Geophysics Academy Alumni Association (IKAMEGA) titled "Megathrust Magnitude Earthquake 8.7, is Jakarta ready?" on Friday, March 2, 2018. For more details here's the full explanation:

Brief Explanation Related to IKAMEGA Workshop "Megathrust Magnitude Earthquake 8.7, is Jakarta ready?"

We need to understand together, because the Indonesian territory is located in the zone of tectonic plates active meeting, then Indonesia becomes an earthquake-prone area.

Therefore, the government (through the National Earthquake Studies Center-PUSGEN) supported by earthquake experts from several universities, agencies / ministries including BMKG, has published the book "Earthquake Source and Danger of Indonesia in 2017" as one of the efforts and mitigation measures earthquake in Indonesia.

The map is a guide to design the construction of buildings in earthquake-prone areas, taking into account the acceleration of land due to earthquake wave propagation.

The map is published with a book of the same title. In the book informed that based on the results of the study of earthquake experts, the collision zone between the Indo-Australian Plate and Eurasian, which dip below Java Island is called the megathrust zone, and the process of subducting the plate is still happening with the rate of 60-70 mm per year .

Furthermore, according to the analysis of earthquake experts, the subduction movement of the plate is possible to result in megathrust earthquakes with maximum strength / magnitude expected to reach M 8.7.

So the Alumni Association of Meteorology and Geophysics Academy (IKAMEGA) took the initiative to hold a discussion with the Provincial Government of DKI to prepare the mitigation measures of the earthquake.

So the discussion is actually designed for the limited circles, between experts and policy holders, for discussing sensitive yet urgent matters for immediate follow-up, as the responsibility of experts in providing public safety services in earthquake-prone areas.

But it turns out there are some writings circulating viral, which is less precise in concluding the discussion in the workshop, so interpreted differently by some people. Therefore we need to straighten out the misconception, as follows:

Although experts are able to calculate the maximum Magnitude forecast of earthquakes in the megathrust zone, the current technology has not been able to predict precisely, let alone ascertain when the megathrust earthquake occurred.

We have not been able to confirm whether the M 8,7 megathrust earthquake will actually happen, when, where, and how much strength? So in the uncertainty, what needs to be done is the right mitigation effort, preparing concrete steps that need to be done immediately to minimize the risk of socio-economic losses and casualties if the earthquake really happened, especially by preparing the readiness of the community and its infrastructures.

Source : [Liputan 6]


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