The KEY to The Gates of Apocalypse
“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven. The same key opens the gates of hell. And so it is with science.” ― Richard Feynman Every cloud has a silver lining. Except nuclear mushroom clouds, which have a lining of Strontium-90 , Caesium-137 and other radioactive isotopes . Upon detonation, atoms are literally gutted and glutton at temperatures exceeding that of the surface of our Sun. In the 1950s, Harold Edgerton 's rapatronic camera caught nuclear fireballs less than a thousandth of second after detonation. Using a special magnetic shutter, each exposure lasted only a billionth of a second and captured an other-worldly creature, its energy vaporising the metal wires supporting its tower into stringing legs of plasma. When 'Little Boy' was detonated over Hiroshima only 1.38% of its uranium actually fissioned. The rest was blown away before that could happen, which means, as Eric Schlosser points out, the fission of merely 0.7 grams of uran...