
The KEY to The Gates of Apocalypse

“To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven. The same key opens the gates of hell.  And so it is with science.” ―  Richard Feynman Every cloud has a silver lining. Except nuclear mushroom clouds, which have a lining of Strontium-90 , Caesium-137 and other radioactive isotopes . Upon detonation, atoms are literally gutted and glutton at temperatures exceeding that of the surface of our Sun. In the 1950s, Harold Edgerton 's rapatronic camera caught nuclear fireballs less than a thousandth of second after detonation. Using a special magnetic shutter, each exposure lasted only a billionth of a second and captured an other-worldly creature, its energy vaporising the metal wires supporting its tower into stringing legs of plasma. When 'Little Boy' was detonated over Hiroshima only 1.38% of its uranium actually fissioned. The rest was blown away before that could happen, which means, as Eric Schlosser points out, the fission of merely 0.7 grams of uran

Human Cannibalism

The word "Cannibalism" is derived  CanĂ­bales , the Spanish name for the  Caribs ,   a  West Indies  tribe that may have practiced cannibalism, from Spanish  canibal  or  caribal , "a savage". It is also called  anthropophagy . Eating your own boogers is gross, but it might be smart. Assuming you have clean fingers. Lung specialist Friedrich Bischinger points out that snot contains antiseptic enzymes that kill or weaken bacteria. Reintroducing those crippled microorganism may allow your immune system to develop antibodies in relative safety. Now, that is good to know. But eating you own snot, is it self cannibalism?  Just like cow or chicken or fish or vegetable we are made out of a lot of edible things. The meat on an average human body contains 77,000 dietary calories worth of nutritional energy. But, cannibalism is a major taboo . It's off-putting at a visceral level. Humans have dignity, we are more than just skin bags full of organs. We are

Indonesian transwoman Dinda Syarif wins best national costume at Miss International Queen

Beauty contests are often held each country has a certain qualification to reach the crown. Not only to hone talent buried, cleverness is also considered in this contest. As the talent pool grows, the management of the contest is also expanding its wings. Not only to men and women, but also to the transgender model. Transgenders are those who change the sex from woman to man, or vice versa on their own. This uniqueness encourages some countries to reward them. Quoted from Instagram account, @dindasyarif , Tuesday (13/3), Dinda Syarif became the representative of Indonesia in the Miss International Queen 2018 election held in Thailand. Dinda successfully get the title of Best Costume in the event. The event is also through several stages and rigorous assessment. Not only beautiful, here some categories such as behavior and brain also become benchmarks assessment. She was juxtaposed with several models of transgender from various parts of the world. Indonesia should be

Professor Stephen Hawking dies: Family announces death

Scientist Stephen Hawking has died at the age of 76, a spokesman for his family has said. Professor Hawking's children, Lucy, Robert and Tim said in a statement that he had died at his home in Cambridge in the early hours of Wednesday.  They said: "We are deeply saddened that our beloved father passed away today. "He was a great scientist and an extraordinary man whose work and legacy will live on for many years. "His courage and persistence with his brilliance and humour inspired people across the world. "He once said, 'It would not be much of a universe if it wasn't home to the people you love.' "We will miss him forever." They asked for privacy but added their thanks to "everyone who has been by Professor Hawking's side and supported him - throughout his life". The world famous physicist and cosmologist was the subject of the 2014 film The Theory Of Everything , which starred Eddie Redmayne and Felici


The Fahrenheit temperature scale always seemed a bit arbitrary. Why does water freeze at 32 degrees? And what exactly does zero represent? According to many sources the Fahrenheit scale was defined by setting zero degrees equal to the temperature of an ice, salt, and water mixture and 100 degrees being roughly equal to human body temperature. But that isn’t true . The real story is much more interesting, and scientific... August 14th 1701 was almost certainly the worst day in the life of fifteen year-old Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit . On that day both of his parents died suddenly from mushroom poisoning. He was sent from Poland, where he lived, to Amsterdam to become an apprentice bookkeeper. But Fahrenheit couldn’t stand his apprenticeship and ran away so many times his employers put out a warrant for his arrest. Traveling from city to city around Europe, he became fascinated with scientific instruments and in particular thermometers. In 1708, possibly se

BMKG Explanation of Jakarta Issues Will Be Shaken 8.7 SR Earthquake

The issue of an 8.7 Richter scale earthquake that will shake Jakarta has created a stir in social media. This of course makes the public restless. Many have questioned the news, although some hope that the potential issue of the megathrust earthquake is just a hoax. Do not want this news to be confusing, the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics ( BMKG ) was then responded to the news. Hary Tirto Djatmiko as Head of Public Relations BMKG explained that the news titled "Earthquake Megathrust Magnitudo 8.7, is Jakarta ready?" it turns out to be part of the seminar theme of the Alumni Association of Meteorology and Geophysics Academy (IKAMEGA). Alumni Association of Meteorology and Geophysics Academy ( IKAMEGA ) took the initiative to hold a discussion with the city government to prepare earthquake mitigation measures. Hary added that the timing of an earthquake that would threaten Jakarta is unpredictable. Hary asserted, "Although experts are able to calcu

Indonesia has the potential to experience a mega-tsunami

WARNINGS have been issued a devastating 8.7 magnitude earthquake could hit Jakarta with experts saying it is capable of reducing the city to ruins. There are fears the quake could be bad as the 2004 earthquake that claimed almost a quarter of a million lives across 14 countries.  Terrified residents face rushed preparation, as many buildings which are not structurally sound are at risk of crumbling.  On January 23 this year, tremors measuring 6.1 on the Richter scale led to almost 500 houses collapsing, and forecasted earthquakes are predicted to dwarf those shakes. With the potential natural disaster due to strike the city, emergency disaster preparation has already begun. Jakarta Deputy Governor Sandiaga Uno said: “It's important for Jakarta to prepare and be ready. “There should be concrete steps such as relevant research, building safety checks and evacuation drills.” The city has endured 19 earthquakes in th e last year, with the largest being a 6.5 magni