Gravity & Round Earth
An understanding of the Earth is flat apparently returned to trust some people. The understanding that the Earth is flat to grow again just like the ancient belief that rebirth. Humans already have the image of the Earth as a blue marble, photographing Earth from Saturn as the " Pale Blue Dot ", and sent New Horizon to the edge of the Solar System. How could anyone still believe the Earth flat? Believe it or not, in fact there are people like that. But of course, the Earth is not flat. The Earth is round . If the Earth is not a ball shaped, but was instead a flat disc with the weight ; density ; and thickness living in the middle of it could feel pretty normal. But as we move toward the edge, gravity on a disk Earth would slightly skew, pushing at a greater and greater angle back toward the center. Anything as massive as the Earth, shaped like a flat disc under it's own gravity would naturally collapse back into a ball shape. This is why in outer space everything mo...